
Cookie Clicker

A mirror of all the files needed to play Cookie Clicker. This can be useful if you want to:

How to use

Either download the repo or clone it and host the /docs folder using a http server of your preference.

How it works

There is a node script that downloads all the files needed to run the game and saves them in the /docs folder.

The list of needed files was obtained by inspecting the code and by looking at the steam version files.

External files

Besides the files that the script downloads there are a few special files needed, these are files that were added manually to make sure the game is playable offline.

Ads and trackers

In the index.html there are a few ads and trackers setup, I manually removed them. So for future updates these need to be removed manually again.


The Cookie Monster addon is included by default.


You are welcome to open PRs.